Maruarar Says: Mr. Prabowo has never won a battle.


JAKARTA, – Maruarar Sirait, politician of the PDI-P, believes that there is a difference between the presidential candidate number 01, Joko Widodo and the presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto.

"Pak Prabowo has never won any battle except to be Gerindra's general." The presidential election is still losing, the vice presidential candidate and the president, "said Ara. greetings from Maruarar) to the parliament complex Thursday (29.11.2018))

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While Jokowi, said Ara, has always won the elections he has followed. From the election of the mayor of Solo, governor of DKI Jakarta, to the Indonesian president.

"Four times, Pak Jokowi has always won the trust of people," Ara said.

According to him, the speech on the negative situation of Indonesia in international forums was pronounced by Prabowo as a maneuver aimed at attracting public attention.

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Ara thinks that the Indonesian people can choose the best.

"Try, but our supporters, Pak Jokowi, are more and more convinced that the Indonesian people can objectively see which optimists are pessimistic," he said.

Prabowo had previously participated in the event "The World in 2019" organized by The Economist at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Singapore, Tuesday (27/12/2018).

Prabowo's statement highlighted at the meeting was a case of corruption in Indonesia, which looked like a stage 4 cancer. Then, people's questions were easily corrupted to select certain candidates for the elections.

Kompas TV Presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto, said that corruption cases in Indonesia were very mbadive and endemic. Prabowo even mentioned that corruption in Indonesia is related to stage 4 cancer.

Prabowo's critics were conveyed at an international forum, The Economist World in 2019, at a gala dinner in Singapore. In the presence of 500 CEOs, businessmen and leaders of international companies, Prabowo promised to press for clean and uncorrupted government reform, when he was elected president. At The Economist Forum, Prabowo was invited to chair the party Gerindradan, candidate for the presidency of the Republic of Indonesia.

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