Mass & Jodoh & # 39; Moeldoko pushes then vice president Joko Widodo

[ad_1] – A group of mobs hold a statement from Jokowi-Moeldoko Terat (Jodoh), an Indonesian movement, at the Marina Convention Center Hall in Semarang, Sunday (22/7). They expect Chief of Staff of President (KSP) General Retired Moeldoko to be Vice President of Joko Widodo in the 2019 presidential election.

In the statement, Moeldoko was absent. He sent his messenger, Taufik Rida. According to Taufik, his superior appreciated the support of the Jodoh mbades and asked them to continue supporting the movement.

"I am very grateful for the great enthusiasm of the people who supported his candidacy to accompany Mr. Jokowi to the presidential election next year," said Taufik Ridha. According to him, the current political dynamic continues to grow. In central Java, he has seen many mbad organizations expect Moeldoko and Jokowi to lead the presidential election. "I hope our good intentions will be accepted to accompany President Jokowi," he said.

Untung Budiarso, representing one of the supporting elements of Jokowi-Moeldoko, said the challenges will be faced by the Indonesian nation. in 2019, the greatest political momentum in history.

He argues that a quality democracy involves all elements of society. He also hopes that Jokowi will be reelected at the head of Indonesia along with Moeldoko. "It's the responsibility of the Central Java community that started in Marina Beach," said Lindu Aji organization builder

Nanang Setyono, Semarang's worker representative, said that 17 elements of society encourage the appointment of Moeldoko. "We have a potential vote of five million more.If you want to detain Mr. Moeldoko, then 5 million votes will be awarded to Jokowi." Attitude statements signed by 17 elements were submitted to representatives of General Moeldoko and will be sent to Jokowi and to all political parties ". . (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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