Matchmaker applications, Flat Earth, to flood early warning systems


YouTube and 4 more news

YouTube and 4 more news |

Robotorial /

Six articles on Science and Tekno This week's attention (February 18-23, 2019). Start dating applications for livestock at the Jakarta Flood Early Warning System.

If you miss reading it, here is a summary.

Matchmaker app for cows

Cow illustration

Cow illustration |


Technology is now permeating the world of animal twinning. After the application of Tinder for humans, the cow also has a matching application called Tudder.

reported ABC15On Sunday (17/02/2019), Tudder was developed by a British agricultural company Hectare. The Tudder name is made from a combination of tinder and udder or glands located in the bad of animals secreting milk.

With Tudder, farmers can tag and find a partner for their livestock. The application was launched on February 14, 2019, on the occasion of Valentine's Day.

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YouTube causes epidemics without further action

Illustration of the flat earth.

Illustration of the flat earth. |

FastMotion / Shutterstock

The number of people who think the Earth is flat is increasing. According to psychologists, this is due to compelling videos circulating on YouTube that promote misinformation.

As part of a study, experts at Texas Tech University in the United States concluded that the platform video streaming must present a more balanced content list rather than unilateral conspiracy theories.

According to them, YouTube must make changes to its algorithm to make its systems more accurate. The researchers also used experts to create content that refutes the claims of the flat Earth.

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Mount Agung and Mount Batur were connected

View of Mount Agung from the airplane window Mount Agung is one of Bali's two active volcanoes.

View of Mount Agung from the window of the plane. Mount Agung is one of Bali's two active volcanoes. |

Putu Artana / Shutterstock

Satellite images reveal that the Gunung Agung volcanic pipeline system in Bali could be connected to Mount Batur, located 18 km from the island of the Gods. After 50 years of inactivity, the Great Bali Volcano erupted in 2017.

A new study has provided an explanation of why this can happen. Researchers from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom have been monitoring volcanic and seismic activities in and around the region to understand the cause of the birth of the caldera after a long hibernation period.

The inhabitants believe Mount Batur is a "mother". While Mount Agung is his son.

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Be wise in eradicating mosquitoes

To prevent dengue, several neighborhoods are occupied. The eradication of mosquitoes can also be done alone, but do not be inconsequential.

To prevent dengue, several neighborhoods are occupied. The eradication of mosquitoes can also be done alone, but do not be inconsequential. |

Tito Sigilipoe /

Good | Inside mist or the fumigation of anti-mosquito aedes, it could be "grandchildren's roaches to grandparents" ready to go to bed. Death. If ants immediately come into contact with the carcbad of a badroach, their fumigation does not appear immediately.

That is to say that all types of artificial exterminators of some kind of creature sometimes become poisonous for other creatures as well. An anti-mosquito is included. Even though the name is medicine, it's not designed to treat anyone's pain, including mosquitoes.

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The researchers discovered that the 110-year-old fossil-eyed spider was on.

Illustration of spider traces

Illustration of spider traces |

Robert CHG / Shutterstock

A study revealed a collection of fossil spiders in South Korea (South Korea), including two types with bright, shiny eyes. An overview of research published in the Palaentology Journal-System indicates that these fossils have been discovered in areas of shale in South Korea, called Jinju formations.

The region is a geological zone of the Mesozoic era, 252 to 66 million years ago. Researchers say that two fossils from a family of spiders called Lagonomegopidae that would have lived between 110 and 113 million years ago had reflective eyes.

The eye serves to help hunt at night. The study explains, these discoveries are the first preservation of the fossil record of spermatozoa, the structure in the eye that allows it to reflect light.

"Because these spiders are protected by a collection of strange spots on black rocks, which is immediately visible, it's their big eyes and their reflection of the color of the crescent moon," said Paul Selden, professor of geology and Director of the Institute of Paleontology at Kansas Biodiversity University. , Institute of Natural History and Museum.

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Flood forecasting technology in Jakarta

Residents pbaded through the floods that flooded the Rawa Buaya region in West Jakarta on Wednesday (30/01/2019).

Residents pbaded through the floods that flooded the Rawa Buaya region in West Jakarta on Wednesday (30/01/2019). |

Early Rivan Linga / Between Photos

To anticipate floods in the Jakarta DKI and surrounding areas, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is currently designing a Jakarta Rapid Flood Alert System (JFEWS), which is a system for flood control. 39, early warning of floods.

"This system has not been launched yet, it is still under discussion because it is still the subject of research. early warning system, said Wednesday (2/13), the head of the research and development center on hydrology and water management of the water resources research and development center of the Ministry of Public Works and Development. Housing, Irvan Sudono.

The system is designed so that people can know which areas of Jakarta are potentially floodable. This can be detected by rainfall estimates and the increase in water flow.

Indonesia is the fourth country in the world out of the top 10 affected by natural disasters (Rodriguez, J et al., 2009) (PDF file). The top three countries are occupied by China, followed by the United States and the Philippines.

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