Matt Damon's reaction as George Clooney announces Clooney's charity pregnancy


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Matt Damon talks about the news of Amal Clooney's pregnancy, the wife of his best friend, George Clooney. The news is probably not too surprising for Matt Damon. The reason, Matt Damon already knew the Amal Clooney pregnancy since last year.

Matt Damon tells George Clooney himself who has announced the Amal Clooney pregnancy to himself. "I worked with him (George Clooney) last fall, and he brought me to the edge of the filming place.I'm almost crying, I'm very happy for him," Matt said. Damon at Entertainment Tonight Canada Thursday (9/2).

  Matt Damon (Depositphotos)

Matt Damon (Depositphotos)

Matt Damon remembers if his pregnancy Amal Clooney was then 8 weeks old. Curiously, Matt Damon had a chance to panic when George Clooney mentioned his wife's pregnancy. "Are you crazy, you do not tell anyone, you do not know the rule of 12 weeks?" says Matt Damon referring to one of the traditions of pregnancy. Matt Damon's suggestion was practiced by George Clooney. Matt Damon said that George Clooney had just spoken to himself again 4 weeks later.

"We're fine," Matt Damon imitated George Clooney at the time. The months have pbaded, Clooney Charity's pregnancy is now publicly known. Matt Damon was hoping for the best for George and Amal Clooney. "They will be good parents, children are lucky," Damon concluded. George and Amal Clooney are ready to welcome the birth of their first twin boy in June

(dira / yb)

Author Andira Putri

Publisher Suyanto Soemohardjo

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