Mayangsari Diajak Duet Krisdayanti, Rigid Expression Bambang Trihatmodjo Make Netter Curiga


  Mayangsari invited Duet Krisdayanti, rigid expression Bambang Trihatmodjo creates Netter Curiga

Bambang seems tense when KD and Mayangsari sing at this event allegedly because of the effect of witchcraft.

WowKeren ] –
Household life Mayangsari and Bambang Trihatmodjo never escape the public spotlight. Although Mayang already empties into the entertainment world, but he and Bambang are often discussed whenever they appear in social media.

Recently, Mayang and Bambang appeared in an exceptional video via a gossip account. In the video, fans of Mayang meet his best friend, Krisdayanti .

Mayang who looks more graceful with a bady black dress. While KD is wearing a semi-transparent white garment. They then meet enthusiastically on the sidelines of an event.

Although rarely singing, Mayang's golden voice always invites admiration. He and KD compactly compiled the song "For Love" which was popularized Joy Tobing . The video was able to attract attention and was watched by hundreds of thousands of viewers.

But unlike Mayang, the attitude of Bambang really looks cool. The expression on his face seemed stiff and he was not smiling at all.

He was just a quick smile when he was addressed by KD. Strong suspicion that Bambang seemed uncomfortable when continued to be highlighted camera.

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Seeing the attitude of Bambang, the netter spoke immediately. They still regret the decision of Bambang who prefers Mayangsari rather than Halimah. A little further, we consider the silent expression of Bambang because the son of the late Suharto was influenced by magic.

" Pak bambang ga no expression at all ky lg under the magic gt .. wkwkwkkw ", lusiana_subagja via lamiscorner stated. " Mas bambang, kq dick aj yakk, kyk salty org gitu .. confused mw ngapain ," says beeyanthi .

"[1965905]" Bambang is either embarrbaded or uncomfortable sitting aja not calm wkawkawka seems really comfortable shouting baseball woman sings he rich rich confused ", said the others." Org who hit the pellet is the crowd there empty of pleasure, he seems flat heart pdhl and his soul sad scream squirm "said Netter.

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