Meeting with Nissa Sabyan, Arsy Putri Ahanty – Anang Hermansyah Shy


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – The first daughter of the couple Ashanty and Anang Hermasnyah, Arsy stole the attention of the surfer during the last Ramadan. Arsy makes many people scream when the video sings the song "Deen Assalam" that has Sabyan Gambus circulating on social media.

In addition to singing, Arsy seems to imitate the singing style of singer Sabyan Gambus, Nissa. Netizens then asked Nissa Sabyan for a duet with Arsy singing the song.

Well, Arsy recently met Nissa Sabyan. This is visible from a video account downloaded @queenarsy on Instagram. In the video distributed Thursday (19/7), Nissa Sabyan came to Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah. Seeing the arrival of the idol, Arsy looks shy and rather kisses the nanny.

  Arsy and Nissa Sabyan. (Instagram)

Arsy and Nissa Sabyan. (Instagram)

"Hayoooo … whoever is at home acio ??? @ nissa_sabyan @sabyan_gambus," write the account.

Seeing the second meeting, Internet users were immediately busy meeting the downloaded comment field. Not a little who expressed the desire to Arsy. However, a number of other Net surfers claimed to be crushed by Arsy's shy behavior.

"Gemessss .. Aaaaa in datengin @nissa_sabyan pengeeen …," netizen wrote.

"Well looh acio there ka @nissa_sabyan sing maulana ya maulanaa, tp gemes really cio instead shame hhhh," continued netizens

"Alhamdulillah. Finally can duo " other Internet users intervened.

(gst / bin)

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