Meghan Markle's father wants to make peace with his daughter


Thomas and Meghan did not speak for two months

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Meghan Markle's father, Thomas Markle, plans to fly to London, England, to make peace with Meghan. Based on Fox News report Thomas wants to make peace with Meghan after not talking to each other for about two months. The 73-year-old is planning to travel from Mexico to the UK next month.

Thomas admits that the royal family began to stay away from him after being caught selling pictures to the paparazzi printed in May. The incident took place before the wedding of Meghan. "I want to see my daughter, whether she accepts me or not," Thomas said.

His plan for England was not to embarrbad him. Thomas even planned to book his own hotel room, and tried to reach the royal family. "I apologize for the mistake that some of them fail me," says Thomas. He felt sad until then the situation does not change. Thomas tried to pay the price for the rest of his age.

Thomas revealed that he had talked to Meghan and Harry briefly after the wedding. But later, he had trouble contacting Meghan. Thomas has just asked his son to pick up the phone. She was also forced to miss Meghan's marriage for having cardiac surgery.

The telephone conversation became the longest conversation ever made by Thomas and Meghan. Thomas revealed that he still wants to meet Queen Elizabeth. "I want to be treated and respected as a father," continued Thomas. On the other hand, Kensington Palace is reluctant to respond to Thomas's comments.

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