Menpora Imam Nahrawi Vice President Accompanying Jusuf Kalla during the BMX visit to Pulo Mas


Report of the journalist, Abdul Majid

Vice President Jusuf Kalla accompanied by Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi, MenPUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Menkominfo Rudi Antara, and Ketum PB ISSI Raja Sapta Oktohari, reviewing BMX Venue to be used in the Asian Games XVIII 2018, in Pulo Mas, North Jakarta, Friday (29/6/2018) morning.

In addition to ensuring the availability of the venue, Vice President Jusuf Kalla and his entourage also encouraged the athletes who practiced. "The spirit continues for Merah Putih," said Menpora with Vice President Jusuf Kalla cheering athletes.

The BMX Pulo Mas is ready for the fastest race of Asian athletes including the national flagship athletes prepared by PB ISSI Gusti Bagus Saputra, Toni Syarifudin, Rio Akbar in the son and Wiji Lestari, Elga Kharisma in the girl.

"I want to see how the BMX athletes in this place ready-to-go, The President of the Asian Games Steering Committee, Jusuf Kalla, greeting the athletes.

In this activity, the Vice President Jusuf Kalla and the ministers of the Asian Games CdM, governor of DKI, participate in BMX tests.

While chairman of PB ISSI (Indonesian Sport Bicycle Association) King Sapta Oktohari expressed the optimism BMX sport capable of presenting the medal for Indonesia in the event of the Asian Games later

"In the SEA BMX Games donate 2 gold, we are optimistic at the Asian Games capable of presenting a medal," said Okto. (*)

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