Mental Messi Drained and Makin Fragile


Jakarta Pablo Zabaleta mentions that Lionel Messi is currently seen stressed at the Argentina national team in 2018 Russia World Cup. As one of the best players in the world, Messi bears the burden of bringing Argentina to the title.

Argentina has so far played two games in Group D and can only reap one point from a single loss. Magis Messi has still not helped Argentina.

Pressure on Messi becomes more and more important in the ultimate fight against Nigeria on Wednesday (27/6) early in the morning WIB. Messi had to help Argentina to stay in 16th place, the task is not easy because Nigeria is a strong team.

Zabaleta found that Messi had been treated unfairly by the Argentine public. Meanwhile, Messi has always been criticized for failing to Barcelona in the national team, which is what makes him mentally tired. "I think it's harder for Leo to play for Argentina. He's 31 so he's getting older and sometimes, mentally, you feel so tired," said Zabaleta about BBC [19659005] "Part of the reason is its history with Argentina.This team has already lost to its last three finals, the Copa America and 2016." [19659002]

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