Message for the Indonesian community as host of the 2018 Asian Games


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The biggest sports festival in Asia, the 2018 Asian Games are in sight. Splendor was more and more felt.

The feast of Asia this time is quite special because Indonesia will welcome it. Various preparations have also been accelerated to achieve the goal of the success of the Asian Games

However, any preparations that have been pursued by the government will not be sufficient if they are not supported by community participation. For this, there are two important messages for all Indonesians in support of the success of the 2018 Asian Games.

The first message is to be a good host. Maintain polite and orderly conduct, especially during this event.

This expectation was also conveyed by Erick Thohir as Chair of the 2018 Asian Games Organizing Committee.

"Society must be part of the success of the Asian Games. We must be a good host, must be supported by good cultural behavior, "said Erick, quoted by

. Show a good culture and habits to guests from different countries is not difficult. sometimes considered insignificant, like orderly lines, helped to maintain the good image of our nation in front of the guests.

For example, queuing up in the stadium or field where the match took place. With an orderly line In addition to being polite, we also create a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Another example that we can apply is the neat bin. Sorting waste in its place as a form of saving the environment environment and comfort, and adhere to other rules established by the organizer during the game.

By showing goodwill and good character, he can certainly show the good side of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. As Erik also pointed out, the Asian Games are not just sports events, but also a national brand, Indonesian tours, cultures, culinary festivals, music festivals, and so on.

The second thing that matters, too, is the athletes Indonesia should show good results in order to bring back victory as when Indonesia hosted earlier. In addition, athletes must show a sporty attitude during the show.

People are there too. As Firda (25 years old), a Bogor resident hopes the athletes will do their best to win the 2018 Asian Games.

"I want to show the athlete that he has to show as much as he can performance and sportsmanship.I also hope that the Asian Games will run smoothly, "he said.

To encourage community participation in the success of the 2018 Asian Games, the government also organized an online competition with lucrative prizes. Check out the details of the contest here

This article is supported by the Directorate General of Information and Public Communications, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

Author: Dessita Chairani

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