Microsoft has set up Andromeda, a dual-screen device that can be folded by the end of 2018

[ad_1] – Since the end of last year, news on the latest devices from Microsoft are widely heard. No kidding, this device is a foldable dual-screen gadget.

Based on internal Microsoft sources, the foldable dual-screen device has a code name called "Andromeda", as quoted from Phonearena (29/6).

The report also mentions that the Andromeda form factor brings together new innovative hardware and software experiences. Of course, to create a truly personal and versatile computing experience.

Microsoft Andromeda Surface Phone 2018

If that's true as expected, Microsoft Andromeda will be unveiled at the end of 2018. As already reported, Andromeda will carry a Snapdragon 1000 chipset that has the power of a monster based on outstanding performance.

We will see a major shift in the world of technology later this year. Even some parties have revealed that if Andromeda was officially released later, would have an incredible impact. Same thing when the smartphone industry after Apple released the iPhone on January 9, 2007.

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