Minister of the Interior: Head of the Suspect Territory will remain inaugurated


The Minister of the Interior, Tjahjo Kumolo, will continue to inaugurate the pair of candidates to the regional head who won the 2018 regional presidential election despite the suspect status

Candidates alleged for election.Do not have permanent legal power, will be inaugurated according to the inauguration calendar that has been determined.The position may change if there is a permanent legal force ", said Tjahjo Kumolo in Jakarta on Friday (29/06/2018).

According to Tjahjo, all candidates to the regional head who holds the status of suspect or defendant in a case, but his highest vote remains open as long as his case does not have the force of permanent law.

Later, when it has the force of permanent law, the head of the region concerned is revoked. last year too, he is arrested arrested, once there is a judicial decision remains guilty yes immediately dismissed. (19659002) Meanwhile, Kapuspen Kemendagri Bahtiar explained that the regent / mayor and the candidate elected vice-regent / mayor candidates in local elections and the status of suspects are regulated in Article 164 (6), ( 7) and (8) of the Law number 10 2016 regarding the second amendment to the law number 1 year 2015 regarding the stipulation of the governmental regulation in replacement of the law n ° 1 of 2014 on the election of governors, regents and mayors "In the event that a candidate for the regency / mayor and / or elected vice-regent / deputy mayor is appointed as suspect at the time of the inauguration, the person is still inaugurated as regent / mayor and / or vice-regent / deputy mayor ". Article 64, paragraph (6)

In paragraph (7), it is mentioned that in the case where a candidate for Bupati / Walikota and / or elected vice-regent / deputy mayor is appointed as defendant at the time of the election. inauguration, (19659002)

Subsequent to (8), it is mentioned that in the case of a candidate / mayor and / or vice-regent / deputy mayor and then also temporarily dismissed as regent / mayor and / or vice-regent / deputy mayor regent / mayor and / or elected vice mayor / deputy mayor candidate will be considered a convict on the basis of a judicial decision that has obtained a permanent legal force at the time of the inauguration, in which case he / she remains inaugurated as Regent / Mayor and / or Vice Regent / Deputy Mayor, dismissed as regent / mayor and / or sub-regent / deputy mayor

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