Minister responsible for coordination, Darmin Furious, exists "Jor-joran" gas and oil importers


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Minister for Economic Affairs Coordination Darmin Nasution stated that a person was still importing fuel oil (BBM) in large quantities and cause the value of oil and gas imports (oil and gas) inflate. In fact, the government is working to reduce the deficit of the trade balance.

Darmin said he is concerned about this condition. Nevertheless, Darmin did not want to mention the person in question. He only said that he had identified those who imported large quantities of BBM without knowing the true motives.

"We know that imports have actually increased in this situation.All (oil imports) have actually dropped, only it has increased," said Darmin Wednesday (28/11).

He added that the behavior of these people had dispelled the government's hopes of suppressing oil and gas imports through a policy of blending 20% ​​biodiesel against BBM, commonly known as B20. In fact, this policy was originally expected to save US $ 2 billion to 2.5 billion in oil and gas imports by the end of the year.

However, Darmin did not deny that the implementation of B20 was far from perfect. He mentioned the problem of logistics distribution as the main basis of the B20 policy, which was not optimal.

The former Governor of the Bank of Indonesia (BI) said the B-20's blending point is considerable, reaching 100 points across Indonesia. If the mixing point is too important, a logistic shipment with a non-minute amount is required, both to deliver the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) at these points or to deliver the Solar B- 20 at the BBM terminal.

To that end, Darmin had asked PT Pertamina (Persero) to reduce the blending point of biodiesel from 100 to 11 points only. However, Pertamina proposed that the mixing place should not be 11 points, but 24 points.

"But later, the plan for the blending point will be January 11. If the point is too high, the ship is still available," added Darmin.

Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded a trade deficit of 5.51 billion USD in October 2018 yesterday. This is also due to oil and gas imports, which were registered at US $ 24.96 billion, an increase of 27.67% compared to US $ 19.55 billion for the same period last year. 39, previous year.

(glh / lav)

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