Ministry of Health Urges BPYB to Delay Health for Three Hospice Palliative Care Programs


The Indonesian Ministry of Health urges BPJS Health to postpone the implementation of three new Perdirjampelkes (Health Services Branch) as part of the care guarantee, birth service and medical rehabilitation services.

"Health services need to pay attention to the quality and safety of patients," said the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Farid Moeloek, sp.M (K), while giving instructions on the Workshop of Professionalism towards Universal Health Coverage (CSU) in Jakarta, Friday (27/7/2018).

Reported by the portal of the Ministry of Health, According to him, healthy newborns in the uterus have not been diagnosed at normal delivery, in case there There is a previously unknown complication, which requires surveillance to prevent infant death. (19659002) At a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Health, BPJS Health, hospital badociations / badociations, IDI and various professional organizations, all agreed to take over the implementation of place health services. meet quality and patient safety standards first and foremost.

Tujua The purpose of this workshop is to find solutions to health problems for JKN participants, as well as discussions to overcome JKN's funding gap and harmonious regulation of JKN implementation.

Professional organizations and hospitals expressed their support. Professional organizations, doctors, doctors and specialists have even supported the JKN program, even hospital organizations that have declared themselves ready to carry out checks to prevent fraud.

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"The Ministry of Health, as well as professional organizations and hospitals continue to support the implementation of the program JKN with health services focused on patient safety and medical indications, "said the minister. the revised version of Presidential Regulation No. 12 of 2013 at the coordinating meeting of the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture

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