Miss Grand Indonesia 2018 becomes the property of Nadia Purwoko


INDOPOS.CO.ID – The Miss Grand Indonesia 2018 event culminated Saturday night (21/7). Located at the Jakarta Convention Center, Nadia Purwoko, the daughter of Bengkulu, has been named champion. The girl, 176 cm, defeated representatives of North Sumatra, Vivi Wijaya (Finalist I) and DKI Jakarta, Stephanie Cecilia Munthe (Finalist II).

Nadia Purwoko received the honorary trophy presented by Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya. Minister of Banyuwangi Congratulated Minister

"Congratulations to the winners, the winners should be ambbadadors for tourism in their respective regions, in addition to actively promoting Indonesian tourism in their respective social media," said Minister Arief Yahya .

Minister Arief Yahya, who is also a jury of honor, added that the Ministry of Tourism would continue to expand its cooperation with different parties. This is done to promote Indonesian tourism in the international arena. Included in the exploitation of the nation's children in the international arena as an endorser.

"Miss Grand International is one of the biggest beauty contests other than Miss Universe.Impact is also great.The expectations of Indonesia's tourism industry is the only one of its kind in the world. one of the endorsers. "Indonesia, will have to do the same mission with the Ministry of Tourism, promote the charm of Indonesia and Wonderful Indonesia," said Tourism Minister Arief Yahya

. Final Miss Indonesia 2018.

"The finalists are well prepared to face the biggest moment of the sequel to Miss Grand Indonesia 2018. I am sure these finalists are very insightful and mentally reveal the best in this event," says Dikna

In her speech, Dikna Faradib also added that the winner will receive the main prize of 1 Loftville apartment and a special crown for Rp3 Billion.

In addition, at night. Miss Miss Grand Miss Indonesia is also badisted by the owner of the Miss International International Nawat Itsaragrisil License, Miss International Grand 2016 Ariska Putri Pertiwi, Miss International International 2015 Claire Elizabeth Parker, and Miss International Grand 2017 Maria Maria Lora.

He is director of the BCA Bank Bapak Jahja Setiaatmadja, Jacky Mussry of Markplus, Sophia Latjuba, Wulan Guritno, Salim Ferry, Dian Muljadi, Ivan Gunawan and Dikna Faradiba as chairman of the Dharma Gantari Foundation

. everywhere in Indonesia. The marks represent their respective provinces. After the quarantine process for 2 weeks and the evaluation of the jury a day ago H, filtered in Top 10, Top 5 and Top 3.

"The winner of Miss Greater Indonesia will represent Indonesia at the Miss Grand International 2018 in Myanmar in October, "Dikna said.

# miss-grand-indonesia-2018 & nbsp # nadia-purwoko & nbsp # Tourism & nbsp

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