MK rejects lawsuit against JK Maju Again vice president


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Constitutional Court (MK) has stated that it does not accept judicial review of Law 7/2017 regarding elections related to the mandate of the President and Vice President. In the law, it regulates that the president or the vice-president who has served twice the mandate can no longer stand for election.

"Declaring the petition of the petitioners is not acceptable," said Chief Judge Anwar Usman in the hearing room of the Constitutional Court, Jakarta, Thursday (28/6).

This test of material has already been submitted by individuals of Muhammad Hafidz and the Federative Union of Workers and the Society of the Proletarian People.

In his judgment, the judge states that the plaintiff does not have the legal capacity or the legal capacity to file an application. According to the judge, the provision has no direct impact on the plaintiff.

"Parties likely to suffer constitutional losses are eligible political parties," said jury member I Dewa Gede Palguna.

MK rejects the pursuit of JK Forward Vice PresidentJusuf Kalla during the visit of the residence of Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono. (Photo: Office of the Vice President)

However, not all political parties can submit a hardware test. According to the judge, a political party that can file a complaint with the Constitutional Court is not involved in the discussion of the electoral law in the DPR.

"With the limited possibility for parties with legal status to become claimants, it is difficult to explain the claimant's potential losses," he said.

The test of equipment was previously based on the aspirations of some community groups that Jusuf Kalla accompanies President Joko Widodo in the elections of 2019. However, the regulation is considered a hindrance to the candidacy of JK.

JK is known to have been vice president of President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2004-2009 before accompanying Jokowi.

The plaintiff felt that the regulation should be clarified whether the double mandate was made in a row or not.

Editor's note: The editors changed the title of this news to 12:12 to avoid any bias in interpretation.


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