MK rejects motorcycles to become a means of public transportation


J AKARTA – The Constitutional Court (MK) has rejected an online motorcycle driver who wants to make the motorcycle taxi a means of public transportation. The complaint filed by the representatives of the driver's organization, the community and the workers was considered unreasonable by law.
Transport observer Djoko Setijowarno said that in some overseas cities such as Bangkok and Beijing, motorcycles were included in public transport. The driver has a particular identity with the route area on the route of the collector or the link and is strictly determined.
"Bangkok is a city that can handle the existence of motorcycles.Ojeks are allowed to operate on collector roads or connectors, there are orange uniforms, registered and supervised in operation.In Beijing, Shanghai and in the big Chinese cities, there are also motorcycle taxis, but no selaris in Indonesia, "he said yesterday (29/6).
He said that motorists laws such as public transport. For example, at the time of the accident, the driver and the pbadenger ojek can not receive insurance. "On the other hand, the working relationship and the model of cooperation," added the researcher of Transport Laboratory and Civil Engineering Department of Unika Soegijapranata, in Semarang
previously Thursday 28/6 the Constitutional Court ruled on the lawsuit filed by the People's Defender Team. Online Transport User or Action Committee on Online Transport (KATO). The applicant has examined Article 138 (3) of the Road Traffic and Transport Act No 22 of 2009 (LLAJ) which states that "public transport of persons and / or goods shall be carried out only by public vehicles ". The appellant deems the present, the article does not take into account the constitutional guarantee of the applicants, whether as a user or rider ojekdaring.
However, the Constitutional Court of the Constitutional Court ruled that the petition was not contrary to Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. (3) of the LLAJ Act actually provides the protection of every citizen when using road transport, both public and private motor vehicle transportation
Director General of Land Transport Department of Transport Budi Setiyadi admitted can not do much. "If we want to make the settlement, there is no law," said Budi yesterday.
However, Budi said that there was another way out. Previously on an online taxi, Budi wrote a letter to governors in each province regarding local governments that could make local regulations (Perda). "If the ojek thought that this could be a problem that needs to be disciplined, then I think it's okay for the regents and mayors to make local regulations," he said. he says
. Call him Solo, Balikpapan and Gorontalo. "In Solo motorcycles that transport goods," said Budi.
However, Kemenhub can not force the local government to make regulations. According to Budi, the authorities to force the local government are the Ministry of the Interior. "If I could just call in. For example, there is a commotion with other transports, please do local regulations only," said Budi.
Meanwhile, the GO-JEK vice president Michael Say said, Go-Jek as a good citizen appreciate and respect the government's decision in this matter.Konstitution (MK) related to the status of the motorcycle tax online. Using technology is the fastest and most appropriate way to help Indonesians improve their well-being, "he said at his confirmation yesterday (29/6). (jun / lyn / agf / agm)

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