More fun to travel with constipation, is how to overcome it


Constipation occurs when the digestive tract can not function normally.

Dream Dream friends, everyone definitely wants to enjoy traveling with pleasure. Sleep comfortably, eat well and no health problems. Unfortunately, sometimes constipation appears and damages your happy moment.

When traveling, your routine will change. The same goes for the meal schedule. Not to mention if you are traveling to a region or country where food is not suitable for digestion.

"Usually caused by food and stress, traveling can also lead to changes in eating habits and defecation, a feeling of fatigue that causes changes in the stool, which can easily cause constipation. sensations will be incomplete, "said Dr. Riana Nirmala Wijaya, of Sanofi Medical, some time ago.

Constipation occurs when the digestive tract can not function normally. This can also happen if a person defecates less than three times a week.

The feeling of heartburn and discomfort makes the activity disrupted. For this, it must be remedied immediately.

"If the problem of constipation is not controlled, it can result in bleeding in the anus that can even cause anus lesions and a blockage of the bowel," he says. said Dr. Riana.

He also suggested to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and drinking water during travels. Do not delay to go to the saddle. Once your stomach feels stomach burns, hurry up to go to the bathroom.

Avoid stress and increase physical activity. Can also take laxatives if the stomach is full and hard.

(ism, report: Ava Haprin)

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