More smokers, higher risk of infants with pneumonia – VIVA


VIVA Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lung tissue and its environment. Pneumonia is the most serious manifestation of acute respiratory tract infection and can result in death.

The causes of pneumonia are various types of bacteria, viruses or fungi. Besides being infected, there are several risk factors for pneumonia, including cigarette smoke.

Unfortunately, Indonesian smokers are very numerous and this can pose a threat to children. President of the Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI) dr. Aman Bhakti Pulungan, SpA (K) revealed that Riskesdas' data showed that the prevalence of smoking for the first time in adolescence increased from 7.7% to 8.8% and 9.1%.

According to Aman, this condition shows that Indonesia does not fear the increase in risk factors for this cigarette. In addition, vaccination does not exist yet.

"This shows that there is no parental control over smoking in children, especially the state.We see people who can buy cigarettes everywhere and easily," Aman said at a news conference. A seminar for the media organized at the IDAI office in Jakarta on Thursday 29 November 2018.

Even worse, cigarettes are now used by the state as the saviors of BPJS. Another problem, Aman added, is that high dropout rates are also badociated with pneumonia in children.

"Our immunization coverage is poor Magnetic resonance vaccination is slowing down because it is an illegitimate problem." When people do not want to be vaccinated against measles, the factor risk of pneumonia increases, "said Aman.

In order to prevent and prevent the risk of measles success, immunization coverage must be at least greater than 90%. Some vaccinations related to pneumonia are measles, BCG, DTP, Hib.

Pneumonia can be prevented by bad-feeding, adequate nutrition, vaccination, prevention of toxic gases and hygiene.

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