More sophisticated mobile phone camera, Sony does not feel competitive


Smartphone vendors are trying to release smartphones with the most advanced features of the camera, some even using three lenses at once to produce professional-quality photos. However, the aggressive effort has not worried the camera makers.

Kazuteru Makiyama, the president of Sony Indonesia, said that although the features of the smartphone are becoming more sophisticated, Camera

"No matter what sophisticated camera on smartphones ] I do not think it can match the quality of the camera, for example zoom and the focus speed, so we are not worried, "said Kazuteru Makiyama, when launching the Sony RX100 VI camera, in Jakarta, Friday (27/7).

Speaking of the compact body of the smartphone excess Kazuteru transmits the current camera manufacturer many present compact cameras of small size that can be stored in a trouser pocket, while bringing the high technology of a camera. For example, that presented by Sony via the RX100 VI

"Camera compact is still highly sought after because of the best quality For the Indonesian market, our premium sales compact in 2017 have also increased up to 47 percent. As for the 19459005 compact entry-level camera, the market is stagnating again, "said Kazuteru.

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