Nadia Purwoko Named Miss Indonesia 2018, View Beauty Pictures


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The first Miss Grand Indonesia finally took place last night (21/7/2018) at the Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Jakarta,

Nadia Purwoko of Bengkulu became the winner of Miss Grand Indonesia 2018.

He defeated 29 other candidates representing their respective provinces

Nadia successfully advanced to the last two with Vivi Wijaya from North Sumatra.

Present at Wedding Manager, V (19459004)

Because of her ability to speak fluently and fluently in English, Nadia will also win this beauty event

. This 26-year-old woman will follow in the footsteps of Dea Rizkita at Miss Grand International.

Second place was won by Jakarta finalist Stephanie Cecilia Munthe

while second place was won by Vivi Wijaya of North Sumatra.

Hand Sama San deul B1A4, Jin BTS wrist bracelet so highlights because of its price!

Miss Greater Indonesia 2018 This is the first show of this election.


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