NASA has announced the date of commercial flights in space


NASA has announced the date of commercial flights in space
Source: NASA

NASA has announced the date of its first commercial flight. This flight will transport astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). The plan, NASA will perform eight launches, including SpaceX Crew Dragon and Boeing CST-100. This launch will take place between January and December 2019.

To note, NASA finally brought back the discussion on the opening of the tourist route to the ISS. The proposal submitted by Jim Bridenstine a few years ago has not been approved yet. But eventually, NASA got permission to execute the plan.


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The US government has proposed conditions for NASA to fulfill its mission. SpaceX and Boeing must demonstrate that the capsules and systems they use are safe and achievable. For this reason, both companies intend to conduct tests with unmanned aircraft.

The SpaceX test, called Demo-1, is scheduled for January 7, 2019, while the Boeing test will take place in March 2019. The next step will be to prove that the aircraft is capable of launching capsules. d & # 39; emergency when an error occurs during the launch.

Then, in June, NASA will launch a SpaceX controlled trial. Boeing followed in August 2019.
If both successful tests received a positive response, SpaceX's first commercial flight will be conducted in August. As Boeing begins its maiden voyage in December 2019.

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