NASA warns of meteor threats that need to be addressed seriously: Ok techno


JAKARTA- An American Space Agency (NASA) official, Jim Bridenstine, warned the public that one should take seriously the threat that a meteor crushes on Earth. This was revealed by him at the global defense conference of the International Academy of Astronautics recently.

"We need to make sure people understand that it's not Hollywood, it's not a movie," said Bridenstine, reported by Saturday's Business Insider's page (05). / 11/2019).

Bridenstine notes that in February 2013, a meteor of 20 meters in diameter and traveling at 40,000 mph entered the Earth's atmosphere and exploded in Chelyabinsk, central Russia.

A strong and large explosion damaged buildings throughout the region and approximately 1,400 people were injured. Bridenstine added that the explosion of a meteor had 30 times the energy of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.


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"I hope to be able to tell you that this event is extraordinarily unique, but not so," said Bridenstine.

He said NASA modeling had revealed that such events would occur every 60 years. Finally, Bridenstine added that the same day the explosion of Chelyabinsk's meteor, a larger asteroid approached 17,000 miles from Earth but was nearly missed.

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