Nasdem: Surya Paloh Looking for the best Vocouch for Jokowi


Reporter of, Rizal Bomantama

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – At the time of the political party, the riders compete to propose their setting to be the vice president of Joko Widodo, not the National Democratic Party (Nasdem). Nasdem party general secretary Johnny G Plate said his general chairman, Surya Paloh, wanted to find Jokowi's best vice president, even though he was not from his party

Mr Surya Paloh seeks the right president for Indonesia and Mr Jokowi "Johnny said at a meeting at the KPU RI's office, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta, Monday (16/7/2018) .

"The second search for vice president, then paired with Mr. Jokowi and formed a pair of candidates (19659003) Johnny claimed that Surya Paloh Legowo if the vice presidential position of Jokowi is filled by party cadres other as Nasdem

a legowo, he looks for the reverse with other personalities, "adds Johnny.

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