Natural blockage of blood on the heart, actor Arief Rivan is dead


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – The news of sorrow comes from the great actor Arief Rivan. Arief Rivan pbaded away on Tuesday, July 3, 2018, at 4:00 pm

News spread about the gossip account of igtainment, which posts information from parents' side Arief Rivan

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"Died at rahmatullah our senior actor friend Mr. Arief Rivan this morning at 4:00 pm. Please sincerity friends friends to pray for the deceased forgiven all his life evils, forgiven all his sins, given the best place by Allah SWT and for families abandoned strength and courage Aamiin yaa Allah, "the content of the message posted account igtainment.

Still in the same message, notified if the deceased is currently buried in the funeral home in Depok. "The funeral home of Murbay 53 Beji of North Depok," the message says.

Grievances range from internet users to the deceased actor at the age of 66. Based on circulating news, Arief Rivan is supposed to be a clot of natural blood in his heart.

Arief Rivan is an actor born in Padang, West Sumatera, on November 1, 1951. He is known to often play the antagonist. Some of his films include Virgin (1981), Noesa Penida (1988), Slices of Heart (1988), Mengejar Matahari (2004) and Wild Women (2011).


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