Near Banget, Azriel does not Shy Do It to Ashanty in public places


  Near Banget, Azriel is not shy about hegemony in public places

Proof of Azriel's proximity to Ashanty is also to reap the praise of Netter.

Speaking of the proximity Ashanty with the children Anang Hermansyah of previous marriage seemed endless. Ashanty manages to make Aurel Hermansyah and Azriel located nearby. Even if close, they probably show intimacy in public.

Evidence of Ashanty's proximity to his children is often shared on his social media. One of them is the recently shared video. Where Ashanty brings a moment of proximity to Azriel and Aurel in the streets of the United States.

In the video, Azriel does not hesitate to kiss Ashanty despite being in a public place. Seeing the spoiled treatment of the child, Ashanty was only able to surrender. "Two spoiled children," said the singer born in 1984 in the video.

Various comments clearly given sharper after seeing the video of the nearby Ashanty and Azriel. Much sharper who came back astonished with the love of Ashanti to the children continued. They also praised the family harmony of Ashanty and Anang.
" Masha Allah … Aq see this video is touched bangett .. Sampe wants to shed tears .. So happy this family .. Mother is very dear to her son .. So vice versa .. mudah2an duration yaa "said the netter. " Dah liat bekali2 tp tetep baper ….. they are full of love ", exclaimed the other. " The most harmonious Kluarga I love ska ," another chorus.

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