Neno Kena Teror, Volunteer # 2019GantiPresiden Waspada


Mustofa also plans to relocate the temporary residence

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Volunteer Movement # 2019GantiPresiden Mustofa Nahrawardaya evaluate the terror of burning an experienced car Neno Warisman at his home deliberately addressed to their group. For this, Mostopha will remind all activists to be more vigilant.

"I count today Twitter for movers and sympathizers # 2019Replace the Presidents so that they are cautious and vigilant in some way." For the anticipation of the security alone because we have no personal security team. How the way everything is safe until the election ", Mustafa said .id Saturday (21/7). [19659006] Mostopha also plans to relocate temporarily and invite his colleagues to do the same. Today, he plans to contact all the activists and to record whether or not the terror and the disaster that they live, whether they are related to the terror experienced by Neno or not .

Wednesday (18/7) and at 24.00 hours Neno Warisman's car was burned in front of his house in Cimanggis, Depok. This kind of terror is also experienced by Mardani Ali Sera. The politician was attacked by the threat of a Molotov bombing.

According to Mustofa, Neno was previously reluctant to report the incident to the police for fear that his other colleagues would be afraid to fight in the move. However, after being convinced by Mostopha, he immediately reported to the police

"I badure you that if this is not revealed to the media, it will spread to others, so that the public will know that those who have bad intentions "He said.

Although it has not yet had the bright spot of which the authors behind the two terrors, Mostopha believes this is related to the # 2019GantiPresiden movement. Because some survey agencies, the popularity of this tagar has exceeded 60%.

"Nearly 60% of the popularity level, so others can not go beyond this tagar.I think a lot of people do not like this move.are afraid that big projects in their group be disturbed by the president's movement, "Mustofa said.

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