New online rates Ojek, runners complain about remote support distance


JAKARTA, – a number of drivers or driver motorcycle taxi online is complaining of the conditions on the ground after the motorcycle taxi fare online (ojol) which was only promulgated on Wednesday (1/5/2019).

Although the number of pbadengers has not decreased, depending on the driver, the place of care is still distant.

Rifki (31) a person driver (ojol) de Grab said that after setting the new fare, he could move at a distance of 5 to 6 km from his current position.

"Since the new fare has been set, the app still gives me pbadengers at a remote pick-up point, even though previously there were pbadengers who were right next to me go out"Said Rifki in the Mangga Dua shopping center area, North Jakarta, Monday (05/06/2019).

Also read: Always tested, Ojek online fare rules should be completed before Eid Al-Fitr

According to Rifki, the rendezvous point that has had an impact on profits up to now driver. Because, often, the distance to fetch further away from the book distance.

"I'm not suudzon with the applicator, but yes, just to ask, why is he now farther away? "If the tariff goes up, our profits will be the same, because gasoline needs will increase," he said.

The same thing was lived by driver another ojol Grab, Dory (35). According to him, there are currently many Ojol runners, especially Grab, who are overwhelmed.

"If yes order not going down, even with the time to drive, only the place of pickup was far. It is outdated, "he said.

Nevertheless, the ojol pilot of Go-Jek named Edy (33 years old) did not experience these conditions.

He complained only of Go-Jek's darkness in handling the rules and complaints of pbadengers, including students.

"The command and control distance is normal, only Go-Jek, in terms of pricing, could be in line with the rules, but belowso much driver not interesting. In addition, many pbadengers, especially students, complain when the fare increases, so they have to pay for their expenses every month, "he said.

Based on the regulation of the minister of transport number 12 year 2019, the rates of ojek online divided into three areas.

Read also: The online motorcycle taxi driver, Nyaleg, is waiting for the vote count to go to Senayan

As for zone I, Sumatra, Bali and Java (apart from Jabodetabek). Zone II includes Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi.

Then Zone III covers Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua.

For the Jabodetabek area, the determination of the lower limit of 2,000 rupees, the upper limit of 2,500 rupees and a minimum service rate of 8,000 to 10,000 rands

Regarding this new tariff, the Minister of Transport, Budi Karya Sumadi, said Thursday (05/02/2019) that his party would carry out an investigation.

Because some people have complained about the new tariff.

"I'm going to do some sort of poll, like quick account it's true. Later, the fact is how much the community wants, wait a week longer, "said Budi.

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