News – East Aceh police secures Bunta elephant killer


Wednesday, July 4, 2018 | 11:15

Analisadaily (Medan) – The police of East Aceh Resort in cooperation with the team of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (Ditjen KSDAE and Ditjen Gakkum) and the Criminal Police Unit of Bunta Headquarters in East Aceh.

"In the revelation, two people are suspected and detained by East Aceh police, and two others are on the search list (DPO) and are suing," said Wednesday the police chief of Aceh, AKBP Wahyu Kuncoro.

Revelation reveals two suspects with the initials BW and AL who are residents around CRU Serbojadi East Aceh. While two other initials PT and AR. KKH Director KSDAE Indra Exploitasia has stated that KLHK is obliged to settle this case because the elephant is a wild animal protected by Law No. 5. (19459008) Elephas maximus is an animal that enters the list of Schedule 1 of CITES (Wildlife Trade Convention), which means that it can not be marketed because its conservation status is threatened with 39; extinction. ] "In Indonesia there are two subspecies of elephant, Elephas maximus sumatranus present in Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sumatra and Lampung, and Elephas maximus borneonsis or Pigmy Elephant spread in East Kalimantan, "Indra laziness.

The number of the population in Indonesia by the Gajah Forum census in 2016, as many as 1724 tails. He also said that the existence of the elephant population is increasingly threatened by the high demand for space for human life.

In addition to the threat of habitat fragmentation, these animals are also threatened by wild hunting. "That 's because elephant tusks are always hunted by collectors, so efforts to combat hunting and trade in plants and wild animals, including ivory, are all overflowing. elephant, must be seriously committed by all parties. " Indra Exploitasia

Conservation efforts led by KLHK include the construction of 7 elephant conservation centers in the Sumatera region and several conservation response units to resolve conflicts between humans and elephants

Indra Exploitaia , division chief of the police's criminal investigation division, Kombes Adi Karya added that the police will continue to encourage the disclosure of cases. it "We hope to be an apprenticeship for all parties to conserve wildlife, especially elephants in Sumatra," he added.

The Bunta Elephant Mbadacres on June 9, 2018 drew the attention of the national and international public. Because, the death of this tame elephant is not natural.

The governor of Aceh even paid direct attention to this case by rewarding the success of the transmission of information on this case.

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