News from Brazil against Mexico – Martin O Neill: Neymar's best players and the best actors!


Martin O'Neill minimized Neymar's attitude that he was often deemed excessive when he was contacted by his opponent.

Irish Republican manager Martin O'Neill described Neymar as a showcase while he played between Brazil and Mexico in the 2018 World Cup final. According to the manager, the superstar of Paris St. Germain stain that he had.

Neymar scored a goal and created another goal to bring Selecao to the quarter-finals of the World Cup. However, Neymar came back to the fore after his reaction when his enemies broke down

. One particular occasion attracted attention, Neymar behaved hyperbole after Miguel Layun stomped his legs when the bullet situation died

. , speaking to ITV was exasperated by the behavior of Neymar, who often exaggerated when he met an opponent.

"Neymar's reaction is really sad, it's really sad" says former Celtic manager and Aston Villa (Honestly, it may be a red card because we see them standing on their legs but I want to say that the pain of Neymar is very small, I must admit, I do not want to see him at a doctor after a flu shot! (19659003) "He is a leading actor , it's a quality actor, sometimes we think of a piece like this, it's dropped a dozen times, but it [bisa] has come up. "

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