Nia Ramadhani and Jedar Ikutan Kike Challenge, GMZ! – VIVA


VIVA – The many celebrities who do not want to stay with the current joget #kikichallenge, also known as #inmyfeelingschallenge. This jolt is so virulent at home and abroad because of the song that Drake titled " In My Feelings".

Two celebrities from the country joined in the Girlsl squad, Nia Ramadhani and Jessica Iskandar animated the tagar. Joget is very easy, so out of the car directly influenced by the rhythm and lyrics of the song

"We do not want to lose you!", write Nia

Jedar, greet Jessica Iskandar and Nia in white shirt and jacket Hoodie tied at the waist. Chaca Frederica who commented also laughed. Warganet directly invaded this photo by commenting on the bodies of those who are still thin when they already have children.

"Not rich rich mama mom is still sitting in high school," said the warganet.

"Ruined the pristine price if these two magnificent chaos are out of the house," writes the warganet.

"Beautiful free mah", says the warganet.

"Niyyy he is emak today," said the warganet.

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