Night Reception, Chikita Meidy Morning Honey Morning

[ad_1], Jakarta After a ceremony at the Ulil Albab Mosque, the Bidakara Resort on Sunday, July 8, 2018, Chikita Meidy and Indra Adhitya held a reception in the same zone at night

The emotional atmosphere is felt when the wedding process takes place. Chikita looks tearful. But it really makes the Bainai night cry, "said Chikita Meidy at the Bidakara resort in the Pancoran region, south of Jakarta, on Sunday (07/08/2010).

"So, it's just to ask permission the marriage is able to regulate the emotion, because I think the night Bainai my father is really wow and I really really cried .. J & I have already put flownya, if cried can be stopped "19659002] After the wedding, the honeymoon will be made by Chikita and Indra. The plan is that they will fly to the Maldives or the Maldives to make love to the newlyweds after the reception is held

"Inchallah we are going to the Maldives tomorrow," Indra said. "Yeah, tomorrow we're leaving for five days," said Chikita.

Chikita Meidy and the Cardboard Boys

The country of the archipelago that they choose because There are myths that they hear about being able to have children quickly on their return to the Maldives. In addition, both claim not to want to delay the arrival of a baby.

"My myth came home from there can have children directly," Indra added. "Because he said that it is the island of love, so it is one of them .. We are not nunda, dependent on the just given to Allah SWT ", pungkas Chikita Meidy . [ad_2]
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