Singapore – Niji Games is one of the Indonesian game developers selected to join the Google Indie Games Accelerator (IGA) program. This is their story about their participation.
30 independent video game developers from Southeast Asia, India and Pakistan participated in the IGA program that began in late September. In Indonesia, three developers have been selected, namely Niji Games, Gaco Games and Everidea.
Niji Games CEO Nikko Soetjoadi had the opportunity to say how interested he was in this program. He explained how their participation in this program had forced them to postpone the launch of the last game.
"Before, we had planned to release the last game earlier this month, but we delayed the launch so we could get feedback from IGA mentors and other developers," Nikko said. at the Google Asia Pacific office in Singapore.
This decision has turned out to be a sweet fruit. The comments he received finally helped Niji Games revise some of his latest game, "Jones: Single is Happiness," including the new tutorial system.
As a result, during its recent launch, the game "Jones: Single is Happiness" immediately exploded in the category of pay games on the Google Play Store.
"Yesterday (Tuesday 27 November), we were launched and now in Indonesia we are ranked 40th in the subscriber category, so the results are visible in our gaming products," said Nikko, founder of Niji Games CEO. .
Niji Games is the first Indonesian developer to get a badge from Google's Editor's Choice. They received the badge of the game Cute Munchies, released in 2016 and has been downloaded more than 500,000 times.
(vim / krs)
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