Bintang.com, Jakarta Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara reportedly married in Bhutan on May 5, 2018. He was revealed from the display of the account instagram @tisats video. In the download, invited guests watched a video recording of the so-called wedding moments Dimas Anggara and Nadine Chandrawinata.
In addition, by recording live instagram in the social media account instagram @likechairunnisa, also revealed the love story Dimas Anggara against Nadine Chandrawinata.
tells Dimas, if he is one of Nadine Chandrawinata's fans. He even asked for a photo with the German artist.
"I met for the first time, I asked for a photo because I'm a big fan of Nadine," says Dimas in the live recording of instagram
. began to grow. But he apparently reveals his eagerness to marry Nadine and to have children.
Dimas Anggara and Nadine Chandrawinata Are Married
"I'm So Lucky", Dimas Anggara Weds Later Nadine Chandrawinata
Still according to the story of Dimas Anggara, Nadine is the figure of the woman that she coveted the whole world.
Now, the hopes of Dimas Anggara become a reality. He married his idol wife, Nadine Chandrawinata .
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