TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Nikita Mirzani confides in her Instagram Stories if there is a woman threatening her loved ones.
"A few days ago, a woman entrepreneur tried to threaten people around me, but no baseball was scared," Nikita Mirzani wrote in her report.
In the above, he added a note to the woman who threatened her. "So, hey, if you want me ngancem aja .. Knp bring other people who do not understand what, capcay Deh Andau," he wrote, who then posted from there. money in taante_rempoong_officiall account, Sunday (29/7).
Love Nikita Mirzani. (Instagram)
In another post, he also added that the woman does not intervene anymore in his life. "Uh yeah do not worry about living org2 life around me, I have to bother myself back," he still wrote.
The post, many commented on the Internet users. But it is not the threat posed by Nikita Mirzani. Netizens discussed Nikita Mirzani's attitudes who are still considered indulgent despite the fact that they have now emigrated.
"I hope that the guard is not only auratnya wrote but his mouth too, Aamiin," commented on one of the netizens.
Du Duh mbak, dear hijab. Mending diem aja, let GOD balls, " other comments about a surfer
(nda / bin)
Author Nanda Indri Hadiyanti
edited by Binsar Hutapea
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Comments are personal responses instead of representing the editorial policy of tabloidbintang.com We reserve the right to edit or not display comments containing any kind of harbadment. bullying and racial intolerance.
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