No appetite and easy tired, sign of dehydration of the body


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The lack of drinking water causes a lot of negative things for the body. This is why we must always consume enough water.

Water is the most important condition for the body. Because when the body runs out of liquids, we can be unproductive and even cause illness.

Drinking plenty of water a day is a must for everyone. Although until now, many people do not like to drink water, but the obligation to drink a lot of water should not be abandoned. The reason is that if you drink less water, your body becomes dehydrated, which can be detrimental to your health.

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For those who want to know what are the signs of a dehydrated body and lack of white water according to the list.

1 Extreme thirst
The main sign of a dehydrated person is an extreme thirst. Indeed, dehydration affects the electrolyte concentration of the body. If the body lacks fluids, the kidneys need help to keep the body thirsty. This is why we will feel very thirsty and hard to relieve.

2 The appetite has suddenly disappeared
According to a doctor at the UC Health University of Colorado (United States), Christopher McStay, one of the signs of dehydration is a sudden loss of appetite. When you are dehydrated, you will feel nauseated, so when you see food, you are lazy.

3 Easily tired
Once dehydrated, the body will easily feel tired and sleepy. The state of the body is easily tired apparently as a protective mechanism. When the body runs out of liquids, the brain will feel that something is wrong and will tell the body to reduce the risk of water loss. The body will obey and feel easily tired so as not to do heavy activities and sweat.

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4 Dark yellow urine
A body that lacks fluids will ensure that the kidneys retain as much water as possible without neglecting their function, namely to eliminate waste from the body. This makes the urine more concentrated and looks darker and smelly than usual.

5 The skin loses its hydration
The lack of drinking water can also make the skin look less beautiful because it is dry. Lack of water content will make the skin look dull.

"The skin will lose its elasticity because it contains a little water, so it will look dry and dull," McStay said. Cosmopolitan.


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