No Electoral Offenses in the Polda Subway Law Area


Residents are encouraged to stay calm despite the quick knowledge of the results.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Metro Jaya police provided security on the eve of the election of the regional chief (pilkada) until the H day, Polda Metro Jaya jurisdiction as in Bekasi , Depok and Tangerang. Until now, the regional police did not receive any election violations at the polling stations in the three cities

"During the activity, there was no (violation of local elections), we were all waiting, everything relates to the problem of Bawaslu.We are waiting there or not, Metro Jaya Kombes public relations police chief Argo Yuwono met with the Metro Jaya police headquarters on Thursday (28 / 6).

After the concert of pilkada performed successfully and safely, he urged people to remain calm.Although already know the results quick account. For supporters of his choice of win, do not ridicule supporters of his choice of defeat.

"If in account quick there is a (sounding of his voice) do not be euphoric, then make fun of him. other. Later, we expect the authorities to announce (the results of KPU elections calculations), "said Argo.

The police are very satisfied with the current situation of the society that has grown to respond to the differences election, especially during Police Security Polda Metro Jaya "

" We preserve, own, and ship equally so that this nation has good leaders and can then compete with other countries, "said Argo. Metro Inspector General Jaya Idham Azis direct review of one of the polling stations (polling stations) there .GST is at Kampung Karnaval RW 03, Depok Jaya, Pancoranmas, Depok, Java West.

In the magazine, the police chief was also accompanied by police Polda Metro Jaya and Depok police, he called the public to perform the celebration of democracy with joy, as well as the community to participate in the protecti on the environment, especially keeping the Pilkada Serentak 2018.

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