Non-pirated and hacked version of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate …


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KYOTO – Nintendo to release Super Smash Bros Ultimate in the next two weeks. But the full version of the game has been leaked online.

In fact, a variety of hidden content, cinematic scenes and game soundtracks have been posted on the hacking forum. It is thought that this leak comes from a retailer who sells games faster than his official calendar.

Some stores in Mexico have sold copies of Super Smash Bros Ultimate Ultimate a few weeks ago.

The hackers found the code Super Smash Bros Ultimate, then modified the game and copied it so that it could be distributed online. However, some versions cause the Switch device system to crash.

Nintendo itself has not made any comment on this hacking. But Engadget reported Wednesday (28/11/2018) that his party had protested against the fact that many YouTubers had downloaded songs or videos about the game.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate is a cross fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Studios and Sora Ltd, which has been released by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo itself plans to officially release this game on December 7th.


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