North Korea-South Korea to form a joint team in 3 Asian Games Cups


The three are men's and women's basketball, rowing and canoeing.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The organizing committee of the 2018 Asian Games (Inasgoc) ensures that South Korea and North Korea will form a team for three sports. All three, namely basketball men and women, and two water sports, namely rowing and canoeing.

Combined two Korean athletes in the three sports, also got the approval of the IOC and the OCA. But the International Olympic Authority, with Inasgoc asked that the two Korean joints do not increase the number of quota of athletes.

"The number of three sports is no longer to be exaggerated, because it will technically interfere with Inasgoc," said Inasgoc's vice president, Sjafrie Sjamsoedin,

. Sjafrie disclosed the deal after Isasgoc had organized a meeting of the Korean sports committee for the Asian Games. The South Korean Olympic Committee (KSOC), represented by Secretary General Jeon Choon-ryul, and NKOC of North Korea represented Won Kil-u.

The two Korean delegates met with the Asian Olympic Committee (OCA) and the International Olympic Committee) in Jakarta on Thursday (28/6). "Inasgoc as the organizer of the Asian Games, only facilitates the meeting, not as a link between two representatives of Korea," Sjafrie told republika Thursday (28/6).

Sjafrie revealed that there were two important agreements of the meeting. The outline concerns protocols and non-protocols.

First, concerning the national anthem with the two Koreans, and the flag and the nameplate of the country at the opening and closing of the Asian Games. Secondly, Sjafrie explains the sport, which is an amalgam of athletes in three branches.

The contingent and joint agreement of two Korea at the Asian Games this year is not the first time. At the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, two Koreans also joined athletes in several sports.

The Korean contingent agreement gives a new direction to both governments in Seoul and Pyongyang to make peace. The Asian Games as one of two places to start reunification through sports diplomacy.

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