Not accepted, forgotten, online The pilot Ojek is the phone of his mother


DEPOK, – a motorcycle taxi driver online I did not receive it when the police mugged me during the Depok police operation in Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok, Thursday (29/11/2018).

He and his parents got mad at the police because they did not get the ticket.

Depok City Police Headquarters Traffic Police headquarters, Ipda Suparman, who was on site, said he was a taxi driver online Immanuel's name was originally labeled for breaking the rules.

"Emmanuel was wrong because he had taken the fast lane in violation of article 287, paragraph 1, so we stopped and we applied for a permit (driver's license), the vehicle registration and the Other documents. "He's suddenly taken to me and to the other officers," said Suparman after confirming

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This event is viral on social media, including the account Instagram @ depok_update.

In the video uploaded to the account, a motorcycle taxi driver appears online with his mother went berserk to the agent because he did not receive a ticket.

The woman in the video said, "You are paid not to scare people, this kind of child beat up, nothing but tickets !! "said the woman while annoying the officers.

Then the motorcycle taxi drivers online He approached his mother and went mad, saying: "I was slammed, I was hit, there was a video of all, this police failed. "It's a shame to have such a police," said the driver.

According to Suparman, a motorcycle taxi driver online he called his mother to ask for help when he received a ticket.

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The driver phoned his mother because he felt stuck when another driver reprimanded his behavior of scolding the police.

"So there was another offender who saw the officer being reprimanded, so he tried to defend us because he said that the police should not be treated like that. not accept, but fight them both. "I said, I even thought I was not defending the ojol," said Suparman.

Then, he says, motorcycle taxi drivers online this added to curse the officers. Suparman stated that the police were performing their duties by calling the driver in accordance with the regulations.

"I told my mother that if there were police officers who were beating the mother's child, inform the police," Suparman said.

The excitement arouses the concern of road users. Drivers who stopped driving stopped for a moment. There were also those who perpetuated the moment for the flow of traffic to weaken.

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