Not because it's Candy, Bowo Alpenliebe being viral because of Tik Tok


Who? Bowo Alpenliebe? He is the owner of the brand of caramel candy, is not it? Or brand ambbadador?

What? He's only 13 years old? Oh … He is the heir to the throne of the candy company?

That's how some friends, including myself, hear the name first. Naturally, the application we often use Instagram Instagram is limited. He was generally made to complain about overtime and Riya delicious foods that can be eaten every month on young people.

So well know, I do not apply Tik Tok that applications that are ready to be a container of children narcissism times now wants to appear, usually do karaoke or upload content short video facing doang. Apparently, active in Tik Tok can also make the follow-up of some people famous. One of them is the Bowo Alpenliebe

Seriously, the name of the famous Bowen doo Alpenliebe. Perhaps so unique and familiar, it contributes to the appearance of its fame as well as times, huh … The name is very similar to the sweet candy brand with caramel taste that has existed for several centuries. Heu, Lebay

my prediction that a famous Alpenliebe Bowo because of it there is nothing to do with the company owner Alpenliebe's throne completely false candy. Disappointed? He does not do it, he does not know it either.

Thus, this Bowo Alpenliebe bears the real name of Prabowo Mondardo. Seeing his face still very young with a great smile kyut you do not mistakenly consider yourself as very young. Bowo is only 13 years old!

Citing a variety of sources, Bowo was born on March 17, 2005 and is currently in college. Although still busy with school affairs, Bowo just like today 's kids who like to play on social networks, gaes . Tik Tok one of them.

so expressive, confident, and looks adorable thanks to the smile of death and the stirrup adorning his teeth, the user name @ prabowo118 in Tik Tok is able to win a lot of fans who have reached more than 700 thousand million as .

In addition to Tik Tok, Bowo also expanded to Instagram with the user name @ arcoo_alpenliebe. There, he often downloaded his hits from Tik Tok, which contained mainly karaoke activity or lipsync of various songs. Instagram chandelier is also quite large because it has more than 200,000 follower .

For nyinyirin Bowo, you must know that fan base it does not bother now, you know. He successfully held meet and greet with his fans and nobar with photo privileges together. In particular, there is a fee for the admission price of limited and limited! Rrruarrrbiasa …

I hope that Bowo is resilient yes if must be confronted by the enemies and nyinyir. Because we all know, living in two areas of nature and cyberspace – it's a lot of hardships.

If one day I am met by Bowo, I would like to ask one thing: prefer the lollipop of gum or caramel? #yha

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