Not Javanese, Cut Meyriska difficult to sing 'Jaran Goyang'


Cut Meyriska involved the horror film titled JARAN GOYANG made by Findo Purwono HW. In one scene, Cut Meyriska was invited to sing Jaran Goyang which was popularized by Nella Kharisma . . Given the origin of Aceh, the woman who is better known as a sinetron actress is admitted difficulty memorizing the lyrics.

In addition to memorizing the lyrics, this 25-year-old woman was also asked to act as exposed pellets. A character braille like a horse difficult to play.

  Cut Meyriska went through all the problems with the help of the director. © Apriyanto Cut Meyriska went through all the problems with the help of the director. © Apriyanto

"In this movie I sing Jaran Goyang who speaks Javanese, because I am an Acehnese, there is a level of difficulty, so I have to act as a dying person and confused how, "said Cut Meyriska met at Epicentrum XXI, Rasuna Said area, Wednesday evening (27/06/2018).

Fortunately, all obstacles can be overcome with the help of the director. "But I've been helped by Kang Findo who teaches a lot of things, including how to bayer like a horse," he adds.

The second horror production house Intercept Films tells this time the famous Pendangdut. In addition to Cut Meyriska, this film stars Ajun Perwira Nova Eliza Intan RJ as well as guest star Trio Macan . (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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