Not only cars, mobile phone also have Airbag features: Okezone Techno


JAKARTA – Safety devices such as airbags are generally incorporated into four-wheeled vehicles to prevent serious injury to motorists. The same concept is also for mobile devices.

However, instead of protecting users from injury, but the function of the mobile airbag is used to avoid a violent collision that could damage the phone. Launched Mashable Mobile Airbag Technology initiated by Philip Frenzel, a German engineering student

Case was specially created using a spider-shaped foot when the phone started to fall. The legs seem softer to reduce the impact of the fall and minimize the possibility that your smartphone comes into contact with hard surfaces.

Videos uploaded to YouTube, the airbags of this smartphone appear before the device touches the surface. In every corner of the phone, a vaulted object appears that prevents a loud knock on the phone.

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It is said that the idea of ​​making mobile phone housings with mobile airbag features is based on the personal experience of the manufacturer. One day, iPhone Frenzel slipped out of the pocket of his jacket and fell to the ground. The screen is destroyed and the phone can no longer function even when the screen has been repaired.

So he designed something that could protect a falling phone. After several experiments, this unique case can detect if the phone falls freely because it has sensors.

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The security tool for this phone is called ADcase. Frenzel will bring its patented creations to Kickstarter.


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