Now you can visually call four people at a time on WhatsApp. Group call features are also available.


BANGKAPOS.COM – For those of you who often use WhatsApp, you will certainly not be familiar with the video call feature.

Now, the video call feature can not only be used by two people, but by four people at a time!

To use this feature, it's very simple.

First and foremost, users must download the latest WhatsApp updates from the Google Play Store and the Apple Store.

Then, the user must first make a video call to his colleague.

Read: Free Send a message or talk via WhatsApp without Internet quota

Once connected, the + icon appears in the upper right corner.

This icon can be used to add participants to the video call.

If you tap this icon, you are prompted to choose the people you want to invite to join the group video call.

Do not forget that participants can only join those whose numbers are stored in the contact list.

When there are two or three people in the conversation, the other recipients of the video call can see the photo, number or name of the profile of the participant who joined the discussion.

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