Nurrani & # 39; wife & # 39; Iqbaal Ramadan crying can call a video with this guy, watch his style


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Nurrani suddenly famous after receiving a response from "husband" comment Iqbaal Ramadan in Instagram.

As before Lebaran's day, Nurrani had uploaded a photo with Iqbaal that published.

Nurrani writes "Chapel chapel manjah @ iqbaal.e," he wrote in the account @ nurrani_r, Thursday (6/15/2018).

Unexpectedly, after a long time admiring a Ramadan Iqbaal, to mark the Instagram account several times, Nurrani (19659002) In fact, even to envy the warganet

"Hi my wife, congratulate Eid Lebaran, I'll bring you clothes Eid xo, "wrote Iqbaal.

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