Observer: The PDIP complaint about Kudatuli may be Boomerang


The slow revelation of Kudatuli shows the failure of the government of Megawati and Jokowi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The political observer of the University of Indonesia, Hurriyah evaluate, PDIP complaint to the National Commission of Mausia on human rights (Komnas HAM) 1996 or known Kudatuli have elements of political interest. However, this complaint will return if done by order of PDP President Megawati Soekarnoputri

The boomerang effect does not only lead to the PDIP, but to the staff of Megawati to Joko Widodo, party cadres promoted to the Presidential Election (Presidential Election) 2019. The reason is that this Kudatuli is a case of mutual involvement, no exception to Megawati

"There are two parties considered responsible, namely Sutiyoso and SBY, both named governors and ministers when Megawati holds the position of president, "said Hurriyah when contacted by Republika Friday (27/7).

Seeing this fact, the complaint of PDI-P which also asked to the Democratic President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to reveal and testify related to the tragedy Kudatuli becomes funny.Because, if we know that SBY should be responsible, why he was appointed minister at the time from the d Megawati's irection

The second alliance concerns the PDP faction itself. When there was an investigation by the police, there was no significant response during the administration of Megawati. "The PDP faction has also never proposed an investigation into parliament," said Hurriyah, deputy director of the FISIP UI's Center for Political Studies (Puskapol).

Finally, the complaint will also be a counterattack for Jokowi. In his mouth, Jokowi had made a statement to thoroughly investigate cases of human rights violations, even if it could not be resolved.

Hurriyah also asked why cases of human rights violations only raised Kudatuli events. Kudatuli is only one of the many human rights cases that the government should be able to resolve.

"If he was named again, it would mean the failure of the Megawati government, SBY in Jokowi to resolve the cases that occurred in the past". 26/7), PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto came with IDP President Trimedya Panjaitan and PDP III Committee III Commissioner Junimart Girsang to Komnas HAM. They met Komnas HAM President Ahmad Taufan Damanik.

The arrival of Hasto to require that Komnas HAM immediately complete the Kudatuli event. It is known that the incident occurred when the incident took control of the Megawati PDP office by the Soerjadi camp on July 27, 1996.

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