Oezil: A German Kala Champion, Muslim Immigrant When To Lose


Mesut Oezil retired from the German national team after his team failed at the 2018 World Cup.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Mesut Oezil officially announced his resignation from the German national team. Through social media, Oezil (29) announced his resignation Sunday (22/7), referring to racism and discrimination as one of the main causes.

Habis disposable manis. Maybe it's a suitable aphorism to describe Oezil's approach with the German national team. The Arsenal midfielder is one of the leading German players to become world champion in 2014.

Since joining Skuat der Panzer in 2009, Oezil is the record holder of 33 badists, among the German players. In fact, when Germany collapsed at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, based on the record Opta Oezil became the player who created the most opportunities in 90 minutes of action. My friends Podolski and Klose have never been mentioned as German-Polish descendants, so why am I called Germany-Turkey Is it because I am of Turkish origin or because I am Muslim? ? "Oezil said in his official statement Sunday.

Oezil, who is a descendant of Turkey, was once revered when Germany became a global prison four years ago. now the most blamed for the failure of Germany

Photo Oezil with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in May, and then fanned the fans to attack Oezil after the 2018 World Cup. of the German Football Association (DFB) Reinhard Grindel was instead of defending, Oezil was instead named as the culprit of Germany's failure in Russia.

The resignation of Oezil during the weekend also continues to spark a debate about the country's relations with immigrant communities in Germany.A Turkey-born Turkish politician, Cem Ozdemir, said that it would be difficult for the head of the DFB to stay in its current position. "It will be difficult for Gri ndel after that, "Ozdemir told Radio Deutschlandfunk .

Ozdemir argues that Grindel does not reflect the spirit of German Football. He added that, despite the naive attitude of Oezil, his departure from the German national team was "good news for Erdogan, AfD (the German party of the right wing) and everything that has resisted diversity in Germany. "

Gokay Sofuoglu, head of the Turkish community in Germany, urged Grindel to resign. Sofuoglu said: "Diversity in the German national team is the best project that is likely to collapse because of the incompetence of its leader," said Sofuoglu. Communication means something that should not happen to immigrants: They should not feel like second-clbad German citizens. "The resignation of Oezil is a major setback to the efforts of football integration in our country," added Zwanziger

. Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that nearly three million Turkish citizens in Germany were all integrated, claiming that Germany is a "cosmopolitan country" where people from immigration are welcomed and play a large role in the effort of integration.Elkel judge Oezil as a great football player.

Jerma n national team stars, Jerome Boateng, a Ghanaian-born offspring in Berlin, uploaded a photo of himself with Oezil with a quote, "An Abi Honor." Abi in Turkish means brother.

Historically, hundreds of thousands of Turkish descendants arrived in Germany in the 1960s Most of them became "guest workers"

. The Berlin Social Science Center's survey, WZB, in June, showed that Turkish citizens of Turkish origin, just like other immigrants, were discriminated against when they applied

. The British non-governmental organization concerned with anti-discrimination issues, says Kick It Out, the racist treatment of Oezil by the media, supporters and society is disappointing. According to them, the Oezil case reflects what European footballers have done to mixed blood.

However, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas questioned, the debate after the resignation of Oezil. "I do not believe in the case of a multimillionaire who lives and works in the UK and who gives insight into the success or integration of Germany," he said [19659010]. the Muslim player. The main sponsor of Oezil, Adidas also said, will continue to support Oezil.

"What Oezil Has Past and How to Treat It Was Unforgivable No justification for racism and discrimination," said Erdogan Senior Advisor, Gulnur Aybet, Twitter it.

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