Officially a member of the Kingdom, Meghan forbidden to eat this food


POS-KUPANG.COM – Since he officially became a member of the kingdom, Meghan Markle's life has changed dramatically. Before becoming Prince Harry's wife, Meghan really liked the laid-back berbuasana style.

Now, this 36-year-old woman has followed the path of Kate Middleton's sister-in-law style. In addition to the sartorial style, the food menu consumed during the Meghan trip must also follow the rules of the kingdom.

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All members of the kingdom was allowed to eat from the & [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[garlicduringthetrip

This rule is even closely watched by Queen Elizabeth. Before establishing a love affair with Prince Harry, he has a lifestyle website called The Tig.

On the site, he often reviews the food. In fact, Meghan once wrote that the ban on eating garlic is a hard thing to follow.

The queen does not like much garlic. Darren McGrady, the royal chef who has served for 15 years has confirmed it.

"We never cook with garlic or with too many onions," he explains.

"The Queen never eats a menu with onions," he says.

In addition, all members of the British Empire should avoid garlic to prevent bad breath.

They meet and often attend public events. In addition, they are often appointed To make speeches Too much consumption of onions will affect their breathing

The royal family also avoids the consumption of shellfish during travel.This is done to avoid food poisoning. (*) [19659013] (function (d, s, id) {
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