Old Vakum, Will Tamara Bleszynski Back to the Sinetron game?


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Vacuum cleaner for nearly six years fans missed the game Tamara Bleszynski . But unfortunately, at that time, Tamara Bleszynski still focuses on caring for her youngest son, Kenzou Leon, who is still seven years old.

"In fact it's no longer a schedule, I'm a mother, it's my priority, because my child is a kid, it takes me, I do homework." The soap opera takes a lot of time " Tamara Bleszynski visiting tabloidbintang.com Tuesday (26/6).

The ex-wife of Mike Lewis does not have the time. He did not deny that many ask when he came back to feature in soap operas. "Many still ask through Instagram, but for complete every day is not yes," he continued

  Tamara Bleszynski (Seno / starlight tabloid)

Tamara Bleszynski (Seno / tabloid starlight)

He also revealed that he still has the offer to play soap operas. Meanwhile, the 43-year-old actress prefers to play a shorter and more prolific film.

"There is one (sinetron bid), just yes one at a time," he said.

Although he does not yet receive the offer of a soap opera, it remains to be seen Tamara Blezsynski in his latest film, Bodyguard Ugal Ugalan to be broadcast in theaters on July 5, 2018. [19659000] Nd Indri Hadiyanti

Publisher Binsar Hutapea

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