"Online" A taxi driver attached to Bintaro, his car was washed away by passengers


TANGERANG SELATAN, KOMPAS.com – taxi driver online Go-Car, Yulianto (52), was the victim of a robbery by three pbadengers in Bintaro, south of Tangerang, on Tuesday (27.11.2018).

The police investigator from the South Tangerang Police, Alexander Yuriko, said the culprits had injured and taken away cars and valuables.

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"The victims are tied to the hands, feet and mouth," said Alexander Wednesday when confirming (28/11/2018).

He stated that the victim suffered injuries to the right palm, acute wounds and bruises caused by blunt objects.

Chronologically, at 11 pm on Tuesday, the victim received orders from the Baranangsiang terminal in Bogor towards Bintaro Xchange, south of Tangerang.

Three pbadengers were transported by the victim.

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Approaching the destination, one of the attackers asked the victim to park the car. However, the victim refused and continued to operate the car.

Suddenly, an abuser pulled out a sickle and threatened the victim to stop his car.

After the car stopped under the bridge near Bintaro Xchange, the victim tried to defend herself.

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The three authors then tied the victim's hands and feet with a rope. In addition, they also dug the victim's mouth.

Yulianto was transferred to the back seat and one of the authors took control.

Yulianto was abandoned in Jalan Raya Puspiptek, Setu village, south of Tangerang.

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The victim was found by residents and taken to Hermina Hospital in Serpong for treatment.

The authors took the Daihatsu Xenia with a number F 1327 RP, a mobile phone and a wallet containing 700 000 Rp.

Alexander said his party was suing the perpetrators.

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"The team Vipers are working," Alexander said.

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